Monday, March 7, 2011

A Delahunty Get-Together

A few of Thomas Delahunty's descendants have been connecting, and I thought this might be a good way for us to share information and photos. I'll start with some photos and stories that I have, and I'd love for my cousins to contribute theirs too.

Our Delahunty grandparents were characters. I wish we'd had them around a lot longer, because the stories were great! My grandmother was Genevieve Frances Delahunty, married to Charles E. Cook, Jr. They had one daughter who lived: Rita Dorothy Cook, who married George R. Dennis. They had 3 children: Carole Ann (moi), Richard Gerard, and Charles Edward.

Soooo, I just wanted to get this blog started. I'll be back to add photos and things later.


  1. Thanks for doing this!!! I will be great to see if any others connect. I am Peggy. My mother was Catherine Wan Delken. Her mother was Margaret (Margie)Delahunty the youngest girl in the family. I just joined this past weekend and was able to connect with Carole. My mother, Catherine, had one brother Edward Thomas Wan Delken. He has 4 children Cathy, Cindy, Eddie, and Holley. Cathy, Cindy, Eddie and I are meeting in Chaleston next weekend to do some research. I'll let you know if we find anything.

  2. Peggy, please be sure to invite your WanDelken cousins to join us!

  3. My ancestors are Delahunty from Templemore Tippersry Ireland my Grandfathers name Thomas Francis Delahunty born 1894
    Please contact me :
